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Blwyddyn / Year 2 2021

Geiriau cyffredin Common words

Bwydlen 18.2.22 Menu

Noson groeso 2021 Welcome meeting 2021

Ein bwriad yw i rannu gwybodaeth a chynnig cyfle i chi gael blas ar yr hyn rydym ni yn cyflawni.  

Bydd peth gwybodaeth wrthom ni, lluniau o'r plant yn enghreifftio eu profiadau a chasgliad o wefannau defnyddiol i gefnogi eu dysgu.



Our aim is to share information and offer an opportunity for you to get a flavour of what we do.

There will be some information from us, photographs of the children outlining their experiences and a collection of useful websites to support their learning.



Diolch Mrs Joanna Cox, Mrs Sophie Blackmore, Miss Stacey Jones a Miss Nerys Perkins..  

Alergeddau / Allergies

Hoffwn eich atgoffa ein bod ni’n ysgol di gnau a gofyn yn garedig i blant dosbarth 2/3L i osgoi dod â physgod yn eu pecyn bwyd.

I would like to remind you that we are a nut free school and kindly ask that 2/3 L do not have fish products in their sandwich box.

