Gweledigaeth / Vision
Gweledigaeth YGG Castell-nedd
Caredigrwydd. Cymreictod. Cymuned.
Cyfle i bob plentyn lwyddo
Ein nod fel ysgol a chymuned yw sicrhau cyfleoedd gwerthfawr i gefnogi ac ysgogi ein plant ar hyd eu llwybr addysgol. Gwneir hynny wrth i ni sicrhau awyrgylch gofalgar a chynhwysol sy'n gwerthfawrogi a chydnabod ymdrech bob plentyn.
Trwy wersi perthnasol, ymweliadau a phrofiadau priodol; cwricwlwm creadigol, ysgogol; rhaglen gofal a chefnogi pwrpasol, datblygir y sgiliau a'r gwerthoedd fydd yn sylfaen i'n plant yn eu bywydau tu hwnt i addysg.
Trwy gydweithio’n agos gyda’r gymuned a chreu cysylltiadau newydd, anogir hyder ac annibyniaeth, gan fagu balchder at eu milltir sgwâr a Chymru.
Mae Ysgol Castell-nedd yn Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg ac felly mae datblygu balchder at ein hiaith, ein traddodiadau a'n etifeddiaeth yn flaenllaw ym mywyd pob dydd yr ysgol.
Mae gan holl randdeiliaid yr ysgol disgwyliadau uchel ac felly mae cydweithio, rhannu gwybodaeth a syniadau yn allweddol i lwyddiant yr ysgol.
Wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn bydd y pedwar diben:
- dysgwyr uchgelgeisiol, galluog sy’n barod i ddysgu gydol eu bywydau
- cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy’n barod i chwarae rhan lawn mewn bywyd a gwaith
- dinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus yng Nghymru a’r byd
- unigolion iach, hyderus sy’n barod i fyw bywyd cyflawn fel aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas.
The vision of YGG Castell-nedd
Kindness. Welshness. Community.
An opportunity for every child to succeed
Our aim as a school and community is to ensure that we provide valuable opportunities to support and inspire our children to succeed. As such we provide a caring and inclusive environment that values the individual pupils effort to do their best.
We ensure that we provide opportunities and purposeful lessons that are appropriate to the children's needs and interests- a broad and balanced curriculum that encourages creativity. We provide a purposeful programme of support and nurture.
By working closely with the community and forging new connections, confidence and independence are encouraged, and pride in their local area and Wales.
Ysgol Castell-nedd is a Welsh medium primary school and as such the traditions and heritage of the language are integral to our ethos and philosophy.
All stakeholders in the school have high expectations and so working together, sharing information and ideas is key to the success of the school. Working together for the benefit of the children is integral to the schools success.
At the heart of everything we do will be the four purposes:
- ambitious, capable learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives
- enterprising, creative contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work
- ethical, informed citizens who are ready to be citizens of Wales and the world
- healthy, confident individuals who are ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society